More than 10 million copies of his books have been sold, and he was nominated for a multitude of state awards, including two christopher awards and an edgar award. Most of the rising action takes place here, as nick seeks to undermine her overriding sense of control. As a funny word, its far more likely to capture the imaginations of a class of tenyearolds and spread. Granger started a war with the kids and nicholas about the word frindle. Its the perfect length for a quick, high quality novel study. In third grade, he transformed miss deavers room into a tropical paradise with. While there are many wonderful ideas on how to use this novel within a lan. What is a short plot summary of the book frindle by andrew clements. Have fun marketing and selling your own frindle tshirts just like in the book frindle by andrew clements. Sep 01, 1996 i was first introduced to the book frindle in a college elem. Terms in this set 6 what is the homework rule at nicks house.
In chapter ten, learn how the news about the word frindle spreads even farther. What do you think he might have done with the money if he could have spent it earlier. Frindle booktalk, discussion topics, and suggestions for postreading activities and research. Literature circle guide to frindle by andrew clements book summary mrs. Frindle by andrew clements, brian selznick, paperback. This tidbit stays in nicks mind and he decides to introduce a new. Granger, nicks teacher, who, although she doesnt realize it, was the inspiration for the idea. Introduce vocabulary words and use various activities see page 5. Even though frindle is never predictable, each moment unfolds as it should. Teaching frindle beginning of 5th grade life in fifth grade.
Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Now over ten years later the elementary school i am currently working at chose frindle for their one book, one school challenge. In chapter three, the question, nick has his first runin with the intimidating language arts. Frindle is a 1996 middlegrade chapter book by childrens novelist andrew clements and. Be sure to read the chosen section of the book carefully, paying attention to. Differentiated lessons for teaching frindle by andrew clements. The story of creativity, determination, and nicks war of words will hold students attention, making it easy to focus on main ideas and supporting details in the text. In third grade, he transformed miss deavers room into a tropical paradise with some paper palm trees and a sandy beach. Frindle novel study by the reading nook teachers pay teachers. In a 2007 poll, the national education association named frindle one of the 10 best books for children.
Soon, much of the nation is crazy about frindles except for mrs. How would the story be different if it were written from mrs. What a great way for students to discover the power of words. What would you do if you suddenly had a lot of money of your own. Andrew clements has penned scores of other great books, many of which fall into the same reading level and interest level as frindle. Frindle isabout discovering the true nature of words, language, thought, community, and learning. Frindle takes place in the small town of westfield, new hampshire.
Frindle is an american childrens novel written by andrew clements, illustrated by brian selznick, and published by aladdin in 1996. Now, what if i come upon another story about nick, and then i actually figure out how to write it in a way that makes sense and doesnt take anything away from frindle s completenesswill i write that book. This is a set of versatile materials that can be used to play three different genre games. Andrew clements 19492019 was the author of the enormously popular frindle. The projects, activities, and discussion topics in this teachers guide will get students thinking about vocabulary, storytelling, and inventions. Frindle is about a fifth grade boy named nick who is always getting in trouble. As a teacher i love reading this book with my students. Frindle was his first book for middlegrade readers. Andrew clements often writes books about the lives of ordinary kids. My first introduction to the writing of andrew clements was things not seen, which i highly recommend. It would most likely extend from chapter 1 to chapter 6. This begins a battle with his language arts teacher as he tries to get everyone in his school to say it. This is a complete novel study that includes many individual products bundled together to offer you. I did it with 6th graders, but that was many years ago.
Louis university and then spent seven years teaching fourth grade. The frindle community note includes chapterbychapter summary and. Granger is notorious among all the fifth grade teachers for being strict, yes, but mostly for her love of words and of the dictionary. Supersummary, a modern alternative to sparknotes and cliffsnotes, offers highquality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. Most of the rising action takes place here, as nick seeks to. Describing his novel, andrew clements writes that frindle is about. The reading responses are aligned to the common core, fun, rigorous, and easy to implement in your elementary classroom. Frindle by andrew clements paperback book the parent store. The idea for frindle grew out of a talk he gave about writing to a group of second graders. In the book, frindle, in the towns across america where kids started using the word frindle, how did parents and teachers feel about it. Frindle teachers guide your students will enjoy reading frindle, a story about language and creativity.
Granger in frindle from litcharts the creators of sparknotes. Brainstorm a list of objects found in the classroom. In fourth grade, he taught his classmates to mimic the highpitched calls of blackbirds. Larson was stung by caras first editorial, but the landry news ended up reviving his love of teaching. Start studying frindle study guide questionsanswers. Ive never thought of doing the westing game with 5th. This best selling frindle novel study is a perfect companion for teaching reading comprehension skills using the book frindle. The book name is frindle the author is andrew clements. So when i got the idea for frindle, i tried to write that story as picture book, too. At first, it seems like a harmless prank, a way to annoy his dictionaryobsessed teacher.
Print the frindle literature circle questions printable. The setting of frindle consists of the time and location where the story takes place. To understand the novel frindle by andrew clements, it helps to know about some of the literary elements of the book. The next afternoon, he stops at a shop and asks the saleslady for a frindle. Awesome video intro to frindle what a great idea to make a. However, after six days of having kids ask for frindles, the lady knows what janet wants when she asks for a frindle. When i saw the book frindle, i said, im not reading this. This guide can be used as your students first introduction to frindle, but the material.
Frindle genre comedy and humor interest level grades 4 6 grade level equivalent. Frindle lesson plan in this vocabulary activity students examine dictionary entries, explore word origins, and invent new words. Although the obvious theme of the importance of language was there but, the one thing that. This is a book that makes you start over on the first page as soon as youve finished the last just because it makes you feel so good. Frindle study guide questionsanswers flashcards quizlet. After learning about the origins of words, he decides to change the word pen to frindle. Frindle guided reading unit lauren desautels portfolio. Frindle comprehension questions and reading guide by. Much of the action centers on a fifth grader and his classroom and home. Teaching frindle beginning of 5th grade life in fifth. The book concludes by flashing forward ten years to a successful nick allen, who becomes quite wealthy with his frindle trust fund. Just print and go to use this for everything from reading comprehension, vocabulary, writing, assessments, and more. This quiz will contain details from the book frindle by andrew clements what is a frindle.
Do you think his parents were right in setting up a trust fund for him. And then the lincoln elementary school was not happy about it. Use these questions and the activities that follow to get more out of the experience of reading frindle by andrew clements. Frindle invent a word use when teaching dictionary skills. These no prep novel study activities cover the key reading comprehension skills including summary and inference but they arent overwhelming to. Use them small group, whole group, with readers notebooks, and in literature circles. Recently, i just reread it as an adult and still found the story entertaining and engrossing. He is a 5th grade student with a reputation for being mischievous. The problem was that nicholas allen made a new word called frindle.
If your child loved this one, encourage him to check out clements other works. I loved the book so much after reading it, that i read it as a teacherreadaloud, then a whole class read my first few years of teaching 4th grade. Mar 03, 2017 this is a video of how the students thought and feelings of this book frindle. May 23, 2016 i first read frindle when i was in elementary school. Pass out dictionaries to students and ask them to look up the word pen. Study guide for frindle metropolis performing arts centre. Fifth grader nick allen knows just how to make school more cool. Granger into wasting time on the first day of school, has to prepare a report on. Each of our fourth graders was given their own copy this book to read prior to the start of school an idea taken from the one school, one book initiative. This set of focus questions can be used while reading the book frindle to guide comprehension and understanding with students. Frindle novel unit is a common core standard aligned book study to be used with frindle by andrew clements. The story of nicholas allen and the invention of his frindle is a highly entertaining choice for book club.
Of all nicks ideas, the frindle is his most successful. Although nick didnt know it until he turned 21, his new word earned him a huge amount of money. Literary texts to accompany andrew clements frindle frindle tells the story of. Read it one evening when youre depressed or worn out or fed up its a tonic. You dont have to have read frindle to use this great worksheet. It got me hooked on all the books written by andrew clements. Although frindle was written for a younger audience than the things series, i still enjoyed the story and i appreciate the lesson it teaches. Suggested texts reading resources, reading activities, teaching reading, book. He is a 5th grade student with a reputation for being. Goes along with andrew clements book frindle invent a word and other worksheets to accompany frindle. They tried to stop it in the book, frindle, even though mrs.
Granger didnt keep students after school anymore, how did she fight the word on her spelling tests. I was looking through some of my unorganized files when i discovered i had already started making a unit on this two summers ago. My first introduction to the writing of andrew clements was things not seen, which i. He lives in westfield, new hampshire and goes to lincoln elementary school. The book frindle is centered around language, especially the word frindle. It is a book about kids just like you, and has familiar settings like home and school. Its also about great teaching and great teachers, and about the life that surges through. This study guide is intended to facilitate your theatregoing experience and provide you with project suggestions. Create a classroom display of all the books by andrew clements.
Frindle remains his most critically acclaimed book, winning over 35 awards including the phoenix award for a book that increased in acclaim well after its release. Nick and his friends take an oath to only use frindle and never say pen again. Worksheets include reading comprehension questions, a word search puzzle, bookmarks, a literature circle packet, writing prompts, and vocabulary activities. The first section is intended for teacher use, while the second section is designed for you to photocopy and hand out to your students. This onepage guide includes a plot summary and brief analysis of frindle by andrew clements. It was the winner of the 2016 phoenix award, which is granted by the childrens literature association to the best englishlanguage childrens book that did not win a major award when it was published twenty years earlier. Literature circle guide to frindle by andrew clements. Get an answer for in the book frindle what is the setting. Like our protagonist nick, author andrew clements has a passion for language and selects his words carefully when.
Granger with the note she wrote to him ten years ago and a new dictionary updated to officially include the word frindle. Frindle novel ideas suggestions for having students contract for their grade on this unit. Frindle literacy unit the printables on this page were created to go along with andrew clements novel, frindle. Set up a scholarship fund in her name and gave her a gold pen with writing on it p.
Frindlechapters 46 understanding the story flashcards. Ive done frindle before not in a few years and your stuff looks awesome. If you took a look at the other books i had written before frindle, youd see they were all picture books. In chapter four of frindle, nick prepared a report on the origins of words and the dictionary. I sat down at my computer early last week and started working on my frindle unit. Funny thing is i love both of those books and would love to teach them.
The predominant setting of clements novel is the confines of grangers fifth grade classroom. In chapter two of frindle, we learned why nick is concerned about having class with mrs. Chatham, the principal, visited nick and his parents at home. Considered a must read by many fourth and fifth grade teachers, frindle by andrew clements is an engaging story of a studentteacher relationship and the impact of. Absolutely love the book frindle, this is a really cute idea. Write and present to the class your view of the play, frindle. Frindle summary from litcharts the creators of sparknotes. Point of view from what point of view is this story told. In chapter five, nick gives his report and then asks a question that will change his fifthgrade year. In this lesson, you will learn about the setting of frindle. You will receive detailed plans for teaching frindle in 15.
I had big plans of organizing during the summer even back then, but somehow the frindle unit fell by the wayside. Start studying frindle chapters 46 understanding the story. Online shopping from a great selection at books store. Even though the events in this books did not happen, they could happen. This is a complete lesson to use throughout the book frindle. Once your child is hooked on frindle, you can use that passion to introduce other books by the same author. Frindle by andrew clements teachers introduction frindle is a book in the realistic fiction genre. With all students sharing in the experience of reading the book over the summer, it built a great a sense of community. These activities take your readers through each chapter of the book. Frindle isabout discovering the true nature of words, language, thought, community and learning. The creators of sparknotes frindle study guide from litcharts. She doesnt understand what he wants until he points to a pen. Frindle really tells a complete tale, and i think i should let it be.
Ask students to describe, either orally or in writing, what. Attach a loose leaf piece of paper if you need more room. It was only three pages long, and it was called nicks new word. Then the whole class starts using the new word, and the joke spreads across town like wildfire. Looking for a frindle novel study unit that will engage your students in higher level thinking about their reading in book clubs or literature circles. He first read an introduction to the book called words and their origins. Announce that today the entire class will follow in nicks footsteps. Again, nick is the ringleader here, but his friend is an essential player in introducing frindle to their classmates and mrs. This book study is a complete and engaging for the novel frindle by andrew clements. Realistic fiction please answer in neat, complete sentences.